Interviewer Training

Learn to identify the best candidates

Effective interviews are critical to selecting new hires

A bad hire can cost your company more than 30% of their first-year salary. Other than the material costs of lost productivity and the need to hire and train a replacement, bad hires also negatively impact company culture, customer relations, and demand more managerial supervision.

These costs are avoidable. Our Interviewer Training program is a one-day workshop that will teach interviewers to assess candidates according to robust standards using the suitable question types, enabling your organisation to hire once and hire well.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, training participants will be able to:
  • Prepare effectively for an interview
  • Ask the suitable questions to assess candidates objectively
  • Make consistent hiring decisions
  • Enhance candidate experience
Program Details:
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Cost per participant: $300
  • Mode of training: Online

Program Details

Program Components

Introduction to Recruitment

  • TalentKraft’s 6-step recruitment process
  • Importance of hiring the right people
  • Importance of candidate experience
  • Common mistakes in recruitment

Conducting Effective Interviews

  • Pros and cons of different questioning techniques
  • Using behavioural/competency-based questions 
  • Asking effective follow-up questions

Improving the Candidate Experience

  • Interviewers dos and don’ts
  • Anticipating and answering questions from candidates
  • Actions after interview

Roleplay and Practice

  • Practice formulating questions and follow-ups
  • Experience your interview process from a candidate’s perspective
  • Receive feedback in real time from our trainers 

Ready to hire more effectively?